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Agitation ~ Meditation

Middle Cove ~ Winter
I didn't make it out of town.
More than a few snowflakes kept me stationary when I would have been driving.
I did however make it to the ocean...Just before the storm...
A different beach than I had planned but my favourite one.

It was night. It was deserted. The icy beach sparkled with the reflections of a million stars...My escaping breath formed stratocumulous and momentarily blocked the view. My heart fell in step with the crashing waves. Icicles formed and fell from my lashes. I was the beach. The ice covered rocks, the freezing salty air, the reflection, the thing being reflected, and I was the Ocean...I was churning. I was compressed, stretched and thrown...And I was me. Inside this skin supported by hundreds of bones are the highways and paths laid out in my veins, my road map of Life. My battered, strong heart beats, never stopping even when my World has fallen away...I was as alive as I've ever been, as I ever will be.
I prayed to the beach, the stars and the {{awe}} Ocean...
"Let my heart beat long enough, strong enough, to finish this story with a satisfying ending"


photo of my favourite beach at winter two years ago...i didn't bring my camera with me that night. I just wanted to feel...


kat evans said...

This post gave me goosebumps!
Beautiful words. . . there is
nothing like being by the sea.

Andrea said...

.kat. ~ You are so right. Nothing. xo

P.K said...

You captured this moment by the sea with your words and image beautifully. The sea is a powerful force.

gallerydarrow said...

I love your soul, I do, xo

MrsLittleJeans said...

I wanted to be there so badly....there is nothing like the ocean! xoxo

Alexandra MacVean said...

What an uplifting end to your post. I'm sorry you didn't make it out of town, but it seems like you still found a place of solitude to inspire your darling heart! :)

Happy Thursday!

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

Powerful words, Andrea.

Unknown said...

sounds wonderful and cleansing.

The Noisy Plume said...

Selkie soul.