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"Sunday Sketches"

Sunday Sketches ~ profile

#3 Sketch for Sunday Sketches...

Sunday Sketches ~profile detail

I've never been very good at profiles...So this week I decided to practice a little.
I found a good tutorial here.
I am going to buy some really good quality paper this week too. Perhaps a few sketches will go into the Etsy shoppe when opened...


MrsLittleJeans said...

Profiles are not easy but this is a good attempt Andrea! Have a great Sunday evening!


Heather said...

She is lovely. So graceful in spirit. Good luck with your paper purchases, I always love buying new supplies.
Happy Sunday,

Nicola said...

Great sketch! I struggle with side profiles too!! You've done brilliantly with yours! :0)

Susan said...

Hi Andrea, great to meet you on SS! If you're not good at profiles, you've come a long way, because this one looks great, really nice job!

I'm following you now like I do all the SS, had a look around your blog, really nice previous sketches too!

Happy SS, Susan

lissa said...

nice, I think she has character plus I like her heart-shaped lips

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful profile, She is very beautiful!!

Julia Christie said...

hi Andrea - I've never tried a profile sketch before but this one looks great! I am interested in this now so will have to attempt one and see how it turns out.



EVA said...

Very nice Andrea! An excellent profile!

Thanks for your comment on my blog - though the most bizarre thing happened - I hit publish and it disappeared. How incredibly odd. Wish I knew where it went and how to get it back...

Have a fantastic week!

Abigail Jasmine said...

You are very talented indeed..
I'm fortunate if I can come up with a decent looking stick-figure..hehe..

I love looking at your sketches!

Have a blessed week beautiful lady!

You are loved,

a pink dreamer said...

i like the shades so much! it's a perfect sketch!

Shelley said...

i am so excited about your shop!

you are making me think about picking up my pencils and doing portraits again :)

Marlene said...

Andrea, your sketch is looking very good. I need to practice profiles also, they are quite tricky to get to look right, nice job though. I will check out the tutorial you mention. For paper I like using Bristol Vellum for sketching, and an affordable brand for me is Strathmore.

Tammie Lee said...

hello Andrea,
I think you did a fabulous profile drawing. I can see the resemblance you spoke of in mine. Interesting. I feel an elegance in her. I will take a look at the link, thank you.

Unknown said...

great Sunday Sketches Andrea!!!