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Not Feeling Myself
Please excuse my silence...I'm not feeling quite myself...



Unknown said...

be excuse I love that portrait!!

kate i said...

Stay well Andrea. How beautiful you are, lovely lady...even with the moustache and goatee!

kat evans said...

. . . hope you are well. :D

Unknown said...

how cute are you! love stache. You are amazing just make sure you give yourself credit...because we all know it!

Nina said...

Warm hugs from me to you! Love the image. You are beautiful!

Katy said...

hey - i was thinking what a coincidence, I ALSO broke up with a carpenter last year, and so his lovely furniture-building skills are gone and I've never done any planing/joinery/whatever! I'm so impressed, keep going, eventually we can build our own houses!
That's my goal anyway. For some reason I'm obsessed with being self-sufficient and not requiring the assistance of men to make my ideas happen. lol ;)

MrsLittleJeans said...

Wow, you are gorgeous girl! The moustache is befitting! xoxo

gallerydarrow said...

You look very swashbuckly maybe a puffy shirt and a pointy sword to ward of demons.

*nothin' gonna break your stride!!!!


Andrea said...

ArrGhh! Rochelle I was thinking I need a flask of Captain Morgans {ick!} to go with the moo~stach and goatee...We are thinking along the same line... :)

Thank you everyone...I just feel very quiet. I'm getting a lot of the reno's done though, so maybe I'm just "shutting up and doing it"!

Much love to you all. Happy Weekend Ladies! xo