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At what point a collection?
Tired of it all really...
I am a bit tired of having so much stuff. I don't consciously collect anything but I have a million things around me...Cameras {many: being used and not}, Books, Things...All pretty and interesting and ultimately useless...They bring little or no joy.
I do not want to be mad anymore...
How does one who wishes {wished?} to start an online vintage shop get rid of the good & valuable stuff? Perhaps I need to rethink my ideal business. I don't want to be crammed with my wares anymore...Perhaps a huge blowout sale in my Esty shop and then a serious look at what I want to do with my working life. Buying dusty old things is not it anymore.
I am tired of it all...The thrift stores, the antique shops, the dust, the fear {bedbugs! ;) }...
Yard sales and the outdoor sales still appeal to me for some reason, maybe I am a seasonal thrifter...I don't know.
The business that died before it started...Maybe.

I noticed a friend/blogger getting rid of things, subtly, but surely. PK's sending her rock collection back to nature...Where they belong...I think I could get rid of my old {un-useable} cameras before my rocks!!! :\

Are you a collector? Of what? Are you a little tired of it all too? Do tell, my fellow Crows/Magpies/Mad Collectors or those who fly serenely with a light load...


kat evans said...

I worked in an arts & crafts store for almost ten years. I bought and "collected" so many supplies that I had enough to open up shop. After my husband lost his job last April, we had to move. Working with refugees changed my whole perspective on "things" dramatically. So then started the yard sales, only this time I was the one selling. It was very liberating. Then after losing most of our stuff (that we kept) in a flood soon after downsized our possessions even more. I say sell what you don't feel like keeping. Once you see the spaces opening up, it's very refreshing! :D

P.K said...

Yes, I am tired of it all!!!! (thanks for the mention) Also I am tired of finding appropriate homes for the things I have collected, especially the books. I have too many dishes, vintage things, and the sea shells that I have received as gifts. That is a trickier return. Tastes and interests change. I will spend the next weeks making space. The cameras are harder to part with...

The Gossamer Tearoom said...

Hi Andrea,
I do know it is hard to part with the items that have represented memories. I'm currently going through all that belonged to my great-aunt and my parents and many times their memories are my memories too. I knew I wanted to sell a lot of what was here because I could not see dragging their possessions, along with my own, through life. The only way that I was able to begin was to make it fun. Design a banner, develop a concept. Only then, was I able to look at things in a different light. And, I am finding a lot of my own things that I don't need in the process that I am adding to the "must go" pile!

Best of luck. It's an emotional process. Make peace with that and find a way to make it fun for yourself.

I hope this helps.


Nina said...

I surely am a varies, sometimes it´s shells, postcards, art, lace, tins...but I also love getting rid of things. Now that I´m moving I´ve sold a lot of furniture and small items, I feel I just don´t want to cling onto things...

MrsLittleJeans said...

Don't you think everyone is a collector at one point or another? I was like you and then....poof, mostly gone now. I collected rocks, fossils, stamps, coins, books, teacups, the list is so long. Spent so much times in thrift shops, my anthropologist friend would go dumpster hunting and she found pictures, .... I too cannot tolerate clutter anymore. I got rid of so many books in one shot, only kept a couple of book cases. Magazines had to go away. I now like to thin out more stuff, jewelry that I have worn enough and would like someone else to share. THought of giveaways, Etsy, me! : )
I did sell some clothes and china on ebay but I was really not good at it.
Have a great day...whatever you do, do it slowly. : )

MrsLittleJeans said...

Cameras, you must keep though! I regret giving away some lovely Leicas from my Dad!

MrsLittleJeans said...

oops, one more thing...I used this rule for thinning things out - only keep what I absolutely love...I am gone now : )

Andrea said...

Leicas! MLJ...

Thank you so much everyone...I have huge piles marked "Mom", "Dad", "Friends", "Goodwill", "Recycle", "Garbage", "Sell"...
I am giving myself four seasons to get rid of everything. One of each season {starting in Summer} for the Vintage shop and my personal clothes, shoes and accessories...Everything left over at that point will be yard sale~d or donated...
Thank you again! xo

Stephanie said...

Here's what it boils down to for me: there isn't one thing in this house that I wouldn't sacrifice for relationship. Not one thing.

The Big Lake said...

I'm with you on seasonal sorting & making a plan to thin out the chaos! Best of luck to you.

If you're looking to get rid of cameras, I might be able to help you out there :]