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Ofttimes I have the urge to give my life away...
A young Mother of two little girls is dying of cancer and I open my hands under God's nose,
"You can take me instead."
I do this frequently, for an Aunt recently, the Mother months ago, hundreds of deaths I hear about daily...
Why do I feel such a guilt...A sense of mistaken breath, heartbeat...?
I've squandered much life. Many moments, minutes and days.
I wish to make a monument with my breath to those who are gone before their time. To live full and well...
I am going back to school. I am planning an adventure, or two, perhaps three. I am pushing this heart to it's limit...Filling my arms...Giving twice as much as I can hold...

Thank you to those who replied to my last post...Living honestly and fully, sharing and appreciating beauty and being grateful are enough. I will be adding more to that "enough" when I find what is needed...Money isn't the answer for me, donations, etc. I'm not yet sure what is...I know it isn't only people faraway who need compassion, kindness and help. I've been focusing too far from where I am and where I can make a difference. I need to look right under my grateful, privileged, gift~ridden, freckled nose...

Much love to you all...

ps. my indoor rosebush is loaded with blooms...this is the first time there has been more than two...


kate i said...

Oh yes Andrea, go for the adventure and whatever it is that you do, follow your heart. You are such a beautiful soul...I can see that from here.

MrsLittleJeans said...

I feel that I have missed a recent post. And I know what you mean in this post. We are so connected. As I think of such things I have to only remind myself that 'nothing save that which will benefit them will happen to My loved ones' used to believe life to be only what we see it is nearly impossible to see a life without walls and barriers....

going to school sounds like a splendid idea! xoxo

Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

I love your blog, and am continually inspired when I visit. It's the perfect Sunday morning blog to catch up on with coffee. Your pics are beautiful and your words are heartfelt. Thanks for sharing with us!