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Mouse and Cat

While I am blogging, uploading photos and editing them this is what my owner, Drooke* does...

I am soooo bored!

Bored. Bored. Bored.

Play with me! Feed me! Scratch my belly! Throw me treats! Love me!
How can anyone resist this face?

*Drooke means friend in Russian. At least that is what I was told 9 years ago when she was a kitten...It just occurred to me that I may want to check that out. :)

*Just looked and it "sort of" is...Droog. We prefer Drooke though ;)* I guess the Newfoundland accent threw me off!

1 comment:

Shrink to Fit said...

What a sweet "owner" you have! And I love her name. She's really pretty, too.