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Guess What Happened to Me Today!?!

Since becoming fixated on perusing the Paris Flea Markets I have also been drooling over the macaroons which I see in practically every French blog...A real Macaroon, not what is known as a "macaroon" by the masses here in Newfoundland.
Drooling over the pastel colours, the flavours, the ingredients.
I've been too intimidated to try to make my own...So I dreamt of the day when I would bite into one, in France, a real macaroon of my very own...

Today France came to me!
I went to a cafe. The name had changed. To a French name...I thought nothing of it...
My friend came in just after me and we peered into the glass dessert coolers...

Real Macaroons!!!

The chef was piping the middles of some pretty, pale green ones behind the counter...

"Are those Pistachio Macaroons?! I thought I would have to go to France to try these!"

"Ah. Oui. They are Pistachio..." He answered in a perfect French accent. Swoon!

France Came to Me!
This is the measly chocolate, cream cheese icing cupcake my friend had...Pfst!
Kat's Cupcake
I also saw a very special, old friend with his wife and their new son.
He was just as sweet as the macaroons! ;)

A great Sunday afternoon.


Shelley said...

oh, aren't they the best? they really are worth all the fuss. i had them once, at a snazzy party thrown by my work, where we had these macaroon towers as centrepieces... the purple passionfruit cream ones were my favourite!

glad you had the chance to enjoy them!

Jaime/GirlLovesGloss said...


Ellen said...

OK, you had me drooling over the macaroons. Were they as good as they looked?

Andrea said...

They were phenomenal. And only 15 minutes by foot from my front door!!!
Life is *sweet*... :)

Good Girls Studio said...

Could be dangerous living that close to such delicious treats! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

oh, looks good! I have never tasted one, but as I have been seeing them all over the blogworld lately, I really would like to:-)

Don said...

Ah, the decedent life....

P.K said...

Lucky you, and so close by. Pistachio is my favourite.

Abigail Jasmine said...

Oh joy!

That's too cute of a litte story.
Glad it made your day!
Hope they were yummy!!

kat evans said...

I have never had one of
these, but I tell you what,
you're starting to see a
lot of folks hunting them
down! Glad you found some
and that they were authentic.
Next time, save us some
s'il te plait. ;)

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

What a happy accident! I've always been curious about them but now I think they have to be on my list of things to try. Now I'm on the lookout...

Gill said...

goodness those look amazing! what a treat xo

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

oh yum! my weekend sucked actually. shall not go into it here. Glad it's a new week.