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"Sunday Sketches"

An Attempt...
Sophia of the blog Blue Chair Diary shares her Sunday Sketches and invites you to join the fun...
I need to get back into sketching and this gives me some incentive...
Here is mine...The sketch was okay but the attempt to fill in with watercolour ruined the whole! Cheap paper and water do not mix...So I didn't bother to finish her...
Stay tuned...I am hoping to get good at this again.
It is true that if you don't use it you lose it.


Juliana said...

WOW that sketch is absolutely incredible....I can only do stick figures. I am impressed!

Julia Christie said...

Hi Andrea,
I think she's fabulous! I especially love her eyes and her hair. Doesn't look like you've lost it to me!

Have a great Sunday!


Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh Andrea..she is just stunning! Wow love your work!! Having fun looking at everyone's work!!
Nice to meet you!! Sarah

Allisunny S. said...

Not even like, LOVE.
You are full of wonderfulness :)


Marlene said...

Andrea, she is gorgeous, Love your colors.

Shelley said...

are you kidding me? she's beautiful! please sketch more and post them as you go! you've got so much talent!

lissa said...

I like her face and the watercolor colors looks pretty good to me

Unknown said...

She is beautiful!! I love her eyes, they are mesmerizing...

apinkdreamer said...

fantastic!!! like a fairy...

Tammie Lee said...

I can not tell how you ruined her. I love her green eyes and the feel of her style. I do trust that cheap paper and water don't mix. Thanks for the advice.