How do you treat yourself when it is "just" you?
I set a place every time I eat.
When I was younger my mother would have big dinner parties for my step-Father's work colleagues. I would help set the table. I loved it. We always used the very best. Mom is a good example of that type, things are meant to be used (except when it comes to pretty soap, I've noticed... :) I've never seen her get upset when something was "ruined".
I read a Zen quote once that said
"view everything as if it were already broken"
Reminding us to not become attached and to appreciate everything while it is "whole and perfect"...The material world isn't what lasts...Even our bodies will crumble under this weight of gravity...But there is more to us, more than is comprehensible.
The small everyday special things that I do for "just me" remind me of my mother. Like using the good stuff, making my bed, wearing a little mascara...She's taught me treat myself specially. Even if no one else sees or appreciates it. Like a conscious, "you will know" and notice it...
Treat yourself like you would like to be treated by someone else.
Set an example for yourself.
Tell the universe that this is what 'I' am worth, nothing less will be accepted...
Buy yourself flowers.
Set the table with candles.
Put on some nice music.
Tuck yourself in...
Get used to the good stuff.
The lunch above was fantastic! My Father brought me some of the Lentil Stew that my step-Mother had made...She is one of the best cooks/bakers I know. It was so good. She even sent the plain yogurt to "dallop" (dad's word) in the centre. I am working on getting the recipe. When I do, you will...
I am blessed in the parental department.
Thank you Momma and Tim, Dad and Jen.
I love you all.

Here is a nice post I found with the same idea of the impermanence of things...Everything.
Be good to Yourself and Others...
Appreciate Yourself and Others and the beauty around you...
Be good to Yourself and Others...
Appreciate Yourself and Others and the beauty around you...
This reminds me to wear the good perfume today :) You always remind me of the right things with your soulful posts.
This is the perfect post for me today. I've saved it to my favorite blog posts folder too. You're soooo right we do need to treat ourselves well and make the most of every moment, every day!
Buuut how do you tuck yourself in?
I use the good stuff. All my cups and mugs have a touch of gold on them or are otherwise really pretty. I use sterling silver cutlery all the time. My paternal grandparents would send sets of cutlery every Christmas when I was little and I'm not sure if they are just for fancy use but I use them every day now since... why not?
Andrea, I just love that bread board!
I make lentil stew as well but I'd love to know Jen's recipe for it.
It's good to see you treating yourself with love. ♡
I was thinking of you when I was writing this! Thanks for dropping in! XO
love that you did this, i'd have to say i do the same thing when i'm all alone, it makes me feel better. why not!?
cute blog!
Hi Andrea,
When i saw your meal I had to get up and eat instantly. I had no idea how hungry I was ;-}
I love what you share in this post. The quote is inspiring and to live life beautifully is a wonderful thing. I love that you have inspiring and loving parents, this makes me smile.
Cut me a slice of that bread would you? It looks delicious and the fruit so juicy! Sometimes there is something very special about lunch for one - particularly when eaten in the garden I find!
You are blessed in the parental dept and you probable already know that that is the most important department! That tidiness and properness is what I love most about the older times and unfortunately most of that is gone now, reflecting our very own chaotic selves. So here's to you for setting a pretty table for yourself. Sometimes I do like you and other times I am a wild animal. Thanks for the reminder lovely A.
Oh my this looks incredible!!! And, I love the photo. Thought you would appreciate that all of the plastic was reused bags that my husband and I use over and over again ... but I have noticed at my local farmers' market there is a bit too much plastic. Much love to you. Xo
wow... this post stirred something in me. i rarely do nice things for myself, just because. i wonder if i started to, would it rub off on my general outlook on things? maybe if i stopped saving "the good stuff" for some unnamed event in the future, i would enjoy myself more on a daily basis.
i guess i have sort of started to do one thing though, without realizing it - i've been having afternoon tea by myself... and using the fancy teapot and cream and sugar, and using my favourite cup and saucer (they don't match but i love them together). my boyfriend thinks its the cutest thing ever, but tea just tastes so much better from fine china!
You are blessed in that you realize it. So many people take supportive loving families for granted. I love this picture and the idea behind it. Loving and cherishing self is so important - If not us then who?
really enjoyed this.
Hello Andrea - thanks for dropping by Planting Words and for linking to my broken glass post. I completely agree with you - my mum always told me if I really loved an item clothing, I shouldn't keep it in the wardrobe and 'save it for best' I should WEAR it. Here's to being good to ourselves and lovely to meet you.
I have a confession to make...
... when I'm alone I eat in front of the t.v....
but I think it's wonderful that you insist on doing things that are nice for yourself. You're right - life is too short to not make yourself happy, esp. in all the little things that make a day.
Ahhh :) What an appropriate post for me right now...life, I think, is really the little things all clumped together. I get so much satisfaction from these sweet bits.
Great advice from Mom. Be kind to yourself!
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