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"Sunday Sketches"

Learning to Draw Again...

#2 Sketch for Sunday Sketches...

Learning to Draw Again...


Julia Christie said...


You are so very talented! I love this - the hair is amazing! Where have you been hiding this talent? Really great.


lissa said...

love her hair and the somber look on her face

Shrink to Fit said...

As Julia Christie said...where have you been hiding this talent? This is amazing...and I love the hidden message in her hairline...beautiful!


Jo Potter said...

Andrea, this is a lovely sketch. Very beautiful face and detail. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leading me here... I am now following you!:)
Best wishes.
Jo May.:)

Unknown said...

Andrea, I love your sketch!! Her beautiful face makes me wonder what she is thinking...

Lenorita said...

This is cool - great hair!

pinkglitterfae said...

oh wow! this is so cool! I like how you added just a hint of color

Marlene said...

Lovely sketch, I too love the hidden message, beautiful.

Dennice {Fringe} said...

Amazing, sugarplum! She looks like she just climbed off a wild stallion after riding through the hills and trees....


apinkdreamer said...

wow! so beautiful! she reminds me of a fairy!!!!

MrsLittleJeans said...

My are exceptionally talented but no need to be surprised, I should have guessed. Love your sketches! xoxoxo

Tammie Lee said...

There is a quiet elegance in your lady and her hair has a unique quality that is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,
I am just sooo happy to see you posting some of your art again. They are beautiful.
I hope you will continue to do them.
When are they for sale?
Love you..Mom

EVA said...

Wow! A gorgeous image and very cool hair! I bet she has a great story to tell

Shokoofeh said...

Love it! :)

Heather said...

oooh, her hair is sooo fabulous and outrageous. love it!!! great sketch, and i like your blog, too!

soisses-dasleben said...

wow, you really did a great job!!! your blog is a beauty!