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Addition to my last Whinge/Post...

  • I do not live in an Australia flood zone, where a simple bloated wall would be welcomed.
  • I do not live in Egypt, I've lived in a wonderful democracy my entire life.
  • I am physically healthy, while my mental health is not 100% right now, I have been worse...
  • I have a house, not a room or cardboard box or my car again...
  • I have friends who would help as much as they could, if asked.
  • I am free. The future is bright and open...
  • Right now it is snowing.
  • My cat is happily eating her newly sprouted wheat grass and the smell of freshly cut grass fills my bedroom...
  • The lovely Umber left a comment that buoyed my spirit, thank you...The crazy glue in my spirit fissures...
  • The book am I reading is challenging me.
  • I have found a place to order a dwarf Meyer Lemon tree and a dwarf Fig tree. I can't wait to get them!! They can live inside during the winters!
  • I have a bath tub which holds me, hot water and bubbles nicely.
  • I received flowers today.
  • I had a kvetch session with my Momma on the phone...
  • Now I go to sleep in a warm room, under a down duvet, between freshly laundered cotton flannel sheets...
And please excuse my complaining. I have so much to be praising...
Love to You!



kat evans said...

Thank you for reminding me that
we just need to take more time
to praise the simple things we
take for granted. Lovely post!

The Gossamer Tearoom said...

I've just found you from your comment to Maria-Thérèse (Isn't she just the nicest?).

I really love your photography and your point of view. Thank you for your post of the things you are grateful for. You and Maria-Thérèse have inspired me to start work on one of my own.

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

I'm so sorry your house is conspiring against you! But you did a great job in this post putting it all in perspective....take some deep will all be ok :)

Lizzie Derksen said...

Best of health to you and your future trees...

MrsLittleJeans said...

You are one wealthy gal on top of being lovely!!! xoxoxo

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

perspective post is bang on but it is still a hard thing when we're dealing with our own "little messes". i wish you nothing but the best and would love to see photos of those darling dwarf trees when they arrive. ♥

Mice Aliling said...

It's okay to let it out once in a while :) You are one lucky gal, remember that :)

Unknown said...

We all have days like that! no worries. Just take a breath, take a bath, and drink some tea!

Figs and Lemons.....mmm

have a wonderful night=)

kathleen xx