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To hold the Drooke...

Found You!
With all the reno's happening here you can imagine the piles and piles of boxes and books. My things waiting for the spaces where they belong, the vintage lovelies waiting for the shop to open...
My home is a paper jungle, a maze, a labyrinth to hold my tiny minotaur...

At least someone is having fun!



Anonymous said...


MrsLittleJeans said...

Ha ha...adorable...we have plaster and ladder and dry wall and dust and dirt all over...the cat boys don't know why I keep moving their litter box around, their food...there is a lot of investigation to be done in our home.


Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

Looks like she thinks everything is just as it should be :)

Shrink to Fit said...

Look at those eyes!

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

stealth little kitteh knows where the good spots are! love the toy in the foreground, like his own private bouncer. ♥

Lisa {A Piece of Lisa} said...

Aaaw ao cute! That's so typical of cats!