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to be complete, perfect and full {right now, as is}

to be complete, perfect and full
Happy Sunday.
How was your weekend?



Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

I love the little elephant <3

WrightStuff said...

My weekend involved elephants too. I was playing a game with my son and he said I had to live under an elephant!

Yeah, I know... but you had to be there!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. It's wonderfully sweet.


Andrea said...

Maria-Thérèse...Me too. He was on the floor at a thrift store. The girl at the cash told me to take him...xo

WrightStuff...I would love to live under an elephant, while he was standing of course! The best part, to childless me, about kids...The images they inspire. The no holds barred creativity...xo

Julia...Thank you so much! xo

Mice Aliling said...

I gush with the little items :) My weekend was restless and my Monday is busy. I hope Tuesday brings me a quiet Wednesday :)