May 2011 = 205lbs
August 2011 = 177lbs
Size 16 to Size 12
Tonight I have a session with a personal trainer!
So 'Stoked'...
"When we focus our energy towards constructing a passionate, meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration. When one person follows a dream, tries something new or takes a daring leap, everyone nearby feels that energy, and before too long they are making their own daring leaps and inspiring yet another circle."
~Christine Mason Miller
congrats on the weight loss!
good for you! wow!
GO ANDREA GO! You look beautiful and I'm so proud of you... keep it up!!!
bravo looking good!
FABULOUS!!! You must feel great in your skin...this is just the extra volt of inspiration I needed today!!
You look tough yet beautiful! xo
Congratulations beautiful lady...you must be SO pumped!
Rock On !! You !!
You've always been beautiful !!
I've recently lost nearly 10lbs myself I've been following a very low carb diet (hardly any wheat or sugar) and I feel like a million bucks - emotionally (not nearly so sad or anxious). Has gluten & sugah been messin' with my mind ??
hey I need to email you my address
great book - The Chemistry of Calm
Way to go!!! Keep up the good work ;)
Congrats, lookin' good!
You look amazing! Well done!
I am going through a similar journey... you've inspired me today! So thanks xx
I read this, went to the gym, and you have completely inspired me to work harder! I have been trying to lose weight after my baby and it is slow going. Great job to you!!!!
Congratulations!! What a great achievement so far! Very inspiring.
Andrea, That is awesome!
Burn, baby, burn! No matter what your weight...you are beautiful!
ROCK ON girl!!
You look amazing!
You have inspired
me today. Thank you.
Thank you so much...
Should this become a weight loss blog?
;) Nope.
Sometimes the blogging surprises me :) We write about things, a bit bigger then looks, fashion, flowers, baby photos and pupies, and get no response... I don't want so say that feeling good physically isn't important, but anyway... I hope you understand :)
Good for you for letting this out, good luck on your journey, and you always look fantastic!!!
Cute blog!!!
Kisses from Italy
awesome!! you look absoultly gorgeous to me!
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