Thomson's Gazelle {Eudorcas thomsonii}
"When we focus our energy towards constructing a passionate, meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration. When one person follows a dream, tries something new or takes a daring leap, everyone nearby feels that energy, and before too long they are making their own daring leaps and inspiring yet another circle."
~Christine Mason Miller
Lovely! Will you hang it on your wall?
How exciting to see you painting! I love what you have started!
Shelley...Nope. Hopefully someone loves him too much to let him live here... ;)
ShannonAnn...It has been so, so long...I have a whole set of these I want to do...xo
oh my gosh, what a beautiful painting of the gazelle. it looks alot like the gemsbok, which is another of these gorgeous species. is this going to be a series of african animals?
I've always been jealous of people who are able to paint things that actually look like the things they set out to paint, if you get my meaning :)
oh my, I did not realize you DID that too!....cannot wait to see the finished results!.....
I love him! Super cool to see your work.
Hooray! It let me comment!
I didn't know you paint!
It's beautiful!
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