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Five Senses Friday


This little symbol. Forecast, with and without the wee starry bits, for the next seven days...*sigh*x7

Hearing: Oh...This...

Tasting: De-lemon-lious full fat yogurt. So good. Nice for a sore-ish throat.

Touching: A magical Mouse. A tea cup full of creamy, cool yogurt and a huge mug of dark roast coffee.

Smelling: Lemon. Coffee.

6th Sense...

Intuition: Listen. Hear. Harder. Better...

What is happening in your sensory world today?



AJ at OFLBlog said...

Having a slow and leisurely morning (took the day off)
~smelling: my morning coffee...vanilla flavoured!
~hearing: bath running....splish splash ahead
~touching: my rough feet - need some tlc - bath, here I come!!!..
meeting dear friend for coffee and ice mouth will be tasting, my nose will be smelling and my eyes and ears will so enjoy the company of my dear friend, Leo....have a SUPER weekend! oxox

Ellen said...

A bit of green tea and a magnificent magenta sunrise. Two ducks paddling around in the pool. A great start to my day.

MrsLittleJeans said... sensory world...

saw...furry dudes aka kitties, lots of jacarunda blooming

hearing- humm of air in vents down in my lab

smell- a little coffee aroma out of my cup

touch- the light keyboard, my friend

taste- had toast and grape jelly

All is all, no complaints...hope to clouds vanish for you!

Love xoxoxx

Good Girls Studio said...

Seeing: beads of sweat
Hearing: roar of fans
Tasting: ice water with lime
Touching: sticky surfaces
Smelling: badly!

6th sense: just breathe, this too will pass!

AC out, it's 90 degrees in my house & I'm sooo claustrophobic I could scream! ahhh!

Thanks for the song! It's one of my favorites!

Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

Snow...oh no!! Sending some sunshine your way :-)
Have a lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

Of course I had to 'favorite' this video on my Youtube account! I love it!
I did my senses too...