Here are the answers to the questions (I think these are the original questions!) of the award...
1. Do you have a special gift and what is it?
Finding solutions to problems with creativity. I love the challenge of being under funded in life! ;)
2. What would your perfect day consist of?
Great finds thrifting, great food and great company. This happens all the time.
Alternately with animals...This doesn't happen nearly enough. It is bittersweet when it does because it usually occurs after they've been abandoned to an animal shelter.
3. Who do you miss and what do you wish you could say to them?
My Grandmother, she has Alzheimers. I just would like to feel the same as before, no special words...
4. Do you have a recurring dream and what is it about?
I have recurring nightmares about the people and animals that I love...It is obvious that the fear of losing them plays on my mind...
5. Who inspired you as a child? Do they inspire you today?
My parents and yes they do...But differently.
6. How do you hope you will be remembered?
I'd like to be remembered as courageous. successful at living life. a creative. kind. intelligent. open. tolerant. Some of these are years of work ahead but others are already a part of my character or close to being...
7. Is there a moment or an event you wish you could do over and why?
High School but only with the confidence I have today, otherwise NO! I was extremely shy and I doubt many people even saw my face!
8. What artwork would you like to own?
Original paintings by unknowns.
I'd love to own a piece, anything created, by Charles Mackintosh.
9. If you could have any talent, what would it be?
An amazing memory for academic sorts of things. I remember very little and have to learn to do something over and over...Before it sticks. Or to be musical...
10. Describe the best meal you ever had and who was with you?
I love big family (mine or friends) gatherings. The food as long as it is edible is not as important as the company. I also love a decadent dessert and dark, bold coffee with a close friend...
Thanks Meg! It was interesting...
I hope all the Americans reading are having a nice and thoughtful Memorial Day.
Thanks for letting me know your issues with the Mac...I am in for another round of learning, I just got a trial version of Photoshop! :\
Have a great week!
LOVE it... you're such a beautiful person and I was so happy to pass the award to you!
Your Crownie ;)
Great interview!
As I read I saw that we had some things in common…
2. A few years ago my husband and I took care of a horse that was left abandoned on the property next to his parents house.
4. I’ve had a few nightmares in which I am told someone close to me has died. The characters change but the plot is always the same. Someone comes and breaks the news, I react (the reaction is always different depending on who it is) and then I try to figure out what to wear to the funeral and I struggle wondering how I will make it through the ceremony…
7. My ten-year high school reunion was pretty pathetic. I remembered so many people and they did not remember me. I was pretty shy too so I know what you mean.
9. Applied learning works best for me. I struggle with learning from memory ; it sticks in my brain when it’s hands on.
Seems we share much except the nightmares and highschool ;-) Number one seems like a fun thing to share. Comfort kills creativity I say. Lovely week to you.xx
Andrea, this is a delightful post!
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