I've become boring and bored...
Bored with myself.
In a smelly, muddy, foul rut...
I can't seem to get out.
I wrote...in an actual notebook this morning and found my hand going numb...At first I was concerned but then realized it has been months since I've written more than a thought or two...For an avid journal writer this is a strange thing...
My work has fallen away to nothing...My photos repetitive and bland...I dress in grubby torn clothing everyday...My toenails are bare...My mind has shrunken to the size of a pea...
I am a pea brain.
Oh dear...
I don't know what the problem is...Except "me"...The problem is me.
Any hints on kicking one's own keester?
Andrea I hope your o.k ,don't be so harsh hard on yourself!!!
This post is so timely! You are not in a boat all alone, I was thinking how to kick my own bum earlier today. I have not come to much of a resolution when I come up with something I will drop you a line ;)
Boring is something I never see about you, Andrea. I wish I could send you some of these billowy clouds we've been having down here in Texas. Bright blue skies filled to the brim with clouds.
Of course, we have a storm brewing in the Gulf and that means these clouds will turn angry soon. Just be patient...this too shall pass.
love to you,
I find that when I am way down & beating myself up (which happens far too regularly) it helps to pray & remember what it is I am grateful & thankful for. Paint those toes, put on a sparkling dress & go out in the world & find some inspiration!
If all else fails...There is always chocolate & silly chick flicks :)
hang in there. look for the simplest joys in each day....start small.
Remember that mother earth has a dark side too...
I´ve learned of myself, that after a creative period, or a hectic period, I need to charge my batteries, the way I do it, is that me, myself and I just run out of energy, and it kind of sounds familiar to what you´re going through right now. I´ve learned that it passes naturally, I try not to give power to it, or to get run over by it, but there´s no point either in fighting it.
I also wish you would not see yourself or your world as black and white (I´m sorry, I tend to do it myself too!), but try to see all the other shades too...
Something I need to work on with myself is my selfasteem, or the lack of it. Maybe something you need to work on too...? Your work is beautiful, you are beautiful. I wish you could see what a difference you make in the world!
I tend to have very drastic changes in my mood. It´s heavy and difficult at times, but the only solution is to learn to see and understand that they come and go in cykles. And to trust, that it will pass.
Warm hugs dear friend.
I haven't seen the word keester used in ages. When in a rut, I learn something new, or do something I haven't done before. You are not boring, and don't be so hard on yourself.
I had a similar problem for almost a year. I didn't want to do anything and didn't expressed any interest in anything going around. I was terrified and ashamed with myself at the same time. But I don't have a definite advice how to get out of there, except reconnect with your friends and start liking again yourself for who you are. Life is too short to waste it for nothing.
it's simply the ebb and flow of life, I always say when I'm feeling like this, and not 'doing' anything productive, some new ideas are percolating in the background, lol! not to worry, this too shall pass...hang in there
ps- I like Johanna's idea of chocolate and chick flicks too :-)
I think it is ok to have periods of 'inactivity' creatively.....those folks who are 'on' all the time burn out. Better to rest your brain (which is much, much larger than a pea) and you'll feel energized again when the time is right to create.
And I sing my favorite Cowboy Mouth song when I feel down - "Let it go, let it go, let it go..."
Happens to all of us possum. I went through the same rut just a week or two before I left for Wales. Somehow - if you can let yourself be like it, you'll come back to your usual bright, interesting, talented and witty self. PS - Only you find your own stuff boring - we don't!
I think we've all been there...but things will brighten. Of that I'm sure.
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