Main Entry: inertia
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: disinclination to move; lifelessness
Synonyms: apathy, deadness, drowsiness, dullness, idleness, immobility, immobilization, inactivity, indolence, languor, lassitude, laziness, lethargy, listlessness, oscitancy, paralysis, passivity, sloth, sluggishness, stillness, stupor, torpidity, torpor, unresponsiveness
Antonyms: activity, animation, life, liveliness, moving
I hope things are more lively with you!

♥ ♥♥CrowNology
Who needs lively when one can be so darn cute when afflicted with inertia!!! xoxoxo
That is how I feel minus the luxury to lounge ;) Great shot!
Oh man... I would give anything to give that kitty a belly rub!!! Love it :)
Ah- kitteh llegs!!! Currently in a hotel in Pasadena ca- hair in towel, coffee consumed :) inert but preparing for motion!!!
Sometimes we need to just stop. Or so I believe.
I love these images.
That cat has the right idea ... a nap is just what I need! xo
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