A challenge by the amazingly talented Ida...
To take 12 photos of 12 strangers. Here are #8, 9, 10 & 11 a/b.
I went out last week on a mission to catch up with Ida (she was 3 photos ahead of me...)
I did...I will be sad at the end of this challenge but I will continue to photograph strangers.
I had the strangest feeling this weekend. As if I were a photographer. I felt like I was one...Not just learning and experimenting and brushing off inquiries...It was a serious state of BLISS, of flow...Interesting...
#8 ~ I didn't ask for this shot...Though they knew, as I was right next to them...

#9 ~ I asked for a photo of this man's hat, which was on a near by chair...He put it on his head for the shot...So I guess I "sort of" asked for this one...

#10 ~ When I make some decent money I'll have a horse...I love being next to them...I asked if it was okay to shoot some photos...It was.
I love this one...

#11 ~ I was late. I was running. But I had to stop and ask this banana for a photo...
"Absolutely!" he said and covered his face...?...
Looks a wee bit rotten. ;)

Oops! I took too many so I'll call this one #11b ~ The Juno's (Canada's Music Awards) were here this weekend. My Father worked at the venue so after dropping him off, I shot some photos. Most were uninteresting...I choose to show you this one because the security guard in this photo once helped me and my best friend "borrow" a row boat which we rowed across St. John's Harbour. I was 14...He was a punk back then...I haven't seen him in years and years...

To take 12 photos of 12 strangers. Here are #8, 9, 10 & 11 a/b.
I went out last week on a mission to catch up with Ida (she was 3 photos ahead of me...)
I did...I will be sad at the end of this challenge but I will continue to photograph strangers.
I had the strangest feeling this weekend. As if I were a photographer. I felt like I was one...Not just learning and experimenting and brushing off inquiries...It was a serious state of BLISS, of flow...Interesting...
#8 ~ I didn't ask for this shot...Though they knew, as I was right next to them...

#9 ~ I asked for a photo of this man's hat, which was on a near by chair...He put it on his head for the shot...So I guess I "sort of" asked for this one...

#10 ~ When I make some decent money I'll have a horse...I love being next to them...I asked if it was okay to shoot some photos...It was.
I love this one...

#11 ~ I was late. I was running. But I had to stop and ask this banana for a photo...
"Absolutely!" he said and covered his face...?...
Looks a wee bit rotten. ;)

Oops! I took too many so I'll call this one #11b ~ The Juno's (Canada's Music Awards) were here this weekend. My Father worked at the venue so after dropping him off, I shot some photos. Most were uninteresting...I choose to show you this one because the security guard in this photo once helped me and my best friend "borrow" a row boat which we rowed across St. John's Harbour. I was 14...He was a punk back then...I haven't seen him in years and years...


if I would to do this challenge, it would be very hard, I doubt I have the nerves to even ask, interesting pics and I like reading about how they came to be
An interesting set. Now about the banana, was there any particular reason for the banana outfit, or is it his usual attire?
these are great! i have always wanted to take pictures of strangers but i'm so shy. i LOVE the one of the man with the hat.
you ARE a photographer, darlin'! i'm so glad you got that feeling!
I love the one of the fellow in the hat playing chess because the contrast is just great. And what a cool hat.
I love the one of the horse, too, because I can't see the person's face...it is less obvious, like the identity is not so important as the activity of leading the horse.
P.K. Random Banana....
As for being shy...I found it really hard to ask at first but most people have been more than willing! Strange considering how many people hold their hand in front of their face when a camera looms...Most give their email address because they want a copy too...
A very interesting challenge.
oh my goodness. i love these. i wonder if it's too late to sign up for her challenge...methinks so.
i think my favorite is the black and white one. why? well, first of all, i love black and white photos (and movies). and second, my 13yo son wears a fedora every single day.
i love them all though, dearest! yay for you!
oh my goodness, the one of the mat in the hat is fantastic!!!!! What an interesting study! :)
Hey- I like these! You're a photographer!
What a great collection! And I'm laughing at the rotten banana:)
Love it! My favorites the banana! :)
Busy bee :-) # 10 and 11 are my favourites! They're fabulous!
And I agree with Don: you ARE a photographer :-D
It's always tricky to take photos of strangers but always so satisfying when you've managed it!
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