The Barista, Ally, made my day by adding "X ♥" and putting my name on my iced green tea lemonade {YUM}...It takes so little sometimes to swing a sad mood around.
Thank you Ally!

Another day of severe stomach pain means more tests...UGH. I better not be allergic to coffee! :)
Has anyone done anything today that made you feel special? Loved?
ps. I don't think I've ever met an ALLY I didn't like... ;)
How cute!
as for me... um... didn't really meet anyone I know today!
Last time I went to my regular café there was a new girl just learning how to make different kinds of coffee and I ordered a pretty complicated caffe mocha. She tried to make her first pattern (a heart? a leaf???) and I think she was part relieved, part embarrassed that there was a pattern at all so I decided to encourage her. "WOW! A PINEAPPLE!!!" I shouted. She looked really happy :D
I hope your tummy feels better soon and hope it's not the coffee :(
RW phoned me.
i am a huge fan of starbucks. i love this post...is that bottom photo yours with the heart huggie? i would love to buy one if you are selling them? it's so cool!
I haven't been in a while - I feel like going right now.
This is me Line, well it's the only way I can leave a message, I have a problem with Blogger. Lovely shots that heart shape is so sweet, I hope you feel better soon!
The heart is sweet. They took away the Starbucks in our town a few years back. I'm still sad about that. I hope your tummy feels better soon. Stress makes mine hurt all the time. No fun.
:) My Mother made me a cup of tea :) Secretly I wished it was a coffee, but I can't have too much of it :( It freaks my inmune system out...
Trying to survive summer with grace to be honest, It's NOT my favorite.
Sending ✈ love your way ♡♥❤❥♡♥
oh no I really hope you are NOT allergic to coffee. How sweet of that barista to write your name on the cup like that. You must be a regular. :) Iced mint mochas usually make me feel manic. Seriously, I get almost *too* happy & hyper after drinking one. ;)
ah i love this, and i do know what you mean, it is usually the littlest thing that can mean so much.
so sorry your having to go through the pain and drs. it's so distressing, i'm hoping it'll get sorted soon.
If you have stomach aches I would recommend not having the full strength Starbucks coffee,...my husband can drink Starbucks at home but not the way it is made in the store
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